Аутор и коаутори: Dragana Grujić - Vujmilović, Živana Gavrić

Quality of life of patients with diabetes mellitus – social domain of health

Година објаве: 2014

Језик: Енглески


Ab stract: Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that affectsthe qu ality of peoples’lives through a number of psychological, emotional, social and psychosexual problems. Objective: Assess social domain of quality of life among a sample of diabetic patients and determine its association with the socio-demographic variables. Methods: In a survey conduted at the Clinical Center Banja Luka from October 2011 until June 2012 year, we re included 150 patients with diabetes mellitus and 150 patients with hyperthyroidism. To assess qual – ity of life, were used the questionnaire of the World Health Organization (WHO QOL-BREF). Results: In patients with diabetes mellitus compa – red to the con trol gro up, with sta ti s ti cal sig ni f i cant dif fe r – en ce (t = –3.304; p < 0.001) so cial do main was redu ced. Pa ti ents with di a be tes mel li tus, with sta ti s ti cally sig ni f i – cant diffe r en ce (U = 4603.5, p 0.05) com pa red to con trol gro – up. In hig her percent with the sup port they re ce i ved from fri ends we re sa t is fied re spon dents who we re mar ried (67%) than tho se who we re sin gle (40.0%), (p = 0.055). Con clu sion: Most of the pa ti ents with di a be tes mel – li tus we re sa t is fied with the ir per so nal re la ti on ships and with so cial sup port that they got from the ir fri ends wit h o – ut dif fe r en ce by gen der, age and le vel of ed u ca tion. Pa ti – ents with di a be tes we re less sa t is fied with the ir sex li fe.