The aim of this research was to determine the effect of buckwheat flour addition on the selected quality parameters of nutritive enriched wheat scones. Wholegrain buckwheat flour was used to subsitute 15%, 30% and 45% of white wheat flour to produce buckwheat enriched wheat scones. The dough for scone making was prepared from a mixture of wheat and buckwheat flour with the addition of salt, yeast, mixture of additives and water. Proximate composition and sensory evaluation of buckwheat enriched wheat scones were analyzed and compared. Descriptive sensory analysis of scones was conducted evaluating the following sensory properties: shape and volume, external appearance, appearance of crumb (cross-section), taste and flavor of crust and crumb. All results of descriptive sensory evaluation were presented as percentage from maximum possible quality (100%), and were in interval of 77.63%-91.41%, indicating that two samples of scones (produced with 15% and 30% of buckwheat flour) had excellent and very good quality, and only scone sample produced with 45% of buckwheat flour, had good quality, but relatively low for placement on market. Based on the results, it can be concluded that wheat flour scones enriched with wholegrain buckwheat flour up to 30%, have excellent or very good technological and sensory quality.