Reproductive capabilities are significant economic characteristics and they are given special
attention and strives to maintain at a satisfactory level or even improve by different
zootechnical measures. Reproduction in Holstein cows is an introduction to production and
are indirectly linked, and better reproductive characteristics in cows also give positive
economic effects. Significant reproductive characteristics are the index of insemination and
the success of insemination after calving. The research work was based on proving the effect
of residual placenta and its retention on the mentioned reproductive properties. The frst
group of cows Xr consisted of cows with normal calves and numbered 34 cows, and were
character:r;ed by on time plunged placenta, with an average index of insemination of 1.2. The
insemination index in the group of cows Xz containing 20 cows with residual placenta, and
where reteniting of placentawas up to 30 hours after calving, was 2.1. The largest oscillation
index had a group of cows Xs that counted l4 heads, where the placenta retention was made
after 30 hours from the calving moment with a 4.86 index. Detailed analysis of the
insemination index showed the data for the success rate of insemination, for the group Xt
from the first attempt was 79.4loh and from the second was 20.59%. Group Xz has an
insemination performance for the first attempt of 45.0oA, the second attempt was 30.0o/o, the
third 10.0% and the fourth was I 5.0%. Cows that have placental retention after 30 hours of
calving, X:, the success rate of insemination is very low, and for the first attempt it was 14.30h, the
50.0%. The removed on second and the third to7.l5% while forthe fourth and subsequent attempts was
best reproductive indicators had a group of cows with normal calves and calves